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Beta Tester 3 Email Sequence for Course Creators

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Struggling to get beta testers for your online course? Look no further!

Our Beta Tester 3 Email Sequence is specifically crafted to entice and onboard potential beta testers, making it easier than ever for you to validate your course content and build pre-launch buzz.

What you'll get:

∸ A link to a Google Doc containing 3 email copy templates that you can copy and paste and personalise to include your own brand voice and tone

🔥 I'll also include a link to a step by step tutorial to get you started with Mailerlite, if you don't already have an email service for your business


∸ Purchase this item and you will immediately receive access to download a PDF with the link to the Google doc

∸ From there you can either copy and paste from the doc or create your own copy to save in your Google Drive

∸ If you don't have your own email software yet I recommend Mailerlite (click here to sign up for free with my affiliate link)


∸ By purchasing this product, you agree to not share, sell or redistribute this product in any form.

∸ You do not have exclusive rights to these templates.


∸ This is a digital download.

∸ No printed material or physical products will be shipped.

∸ Due to the digital, non-returnable nature of our digital products, refunds are not available.

∸ The sale of this template is not affiliated with Mailerlite in any official way.

∸ All prices are in USD.

You will get a PDF (1MB) file